Do you know the starfish story?
Where the person is walking along the beach and throws the starfish back in the ocean one at a time. One onlooker says, ‘You’ll never make a difference with this many starfish on the beach.’ The person throwing says, ‘But I’m making the difference in this one’s life right now. And this one. And this one.’ And on it went.
Foundation for Health Equity™ is like the person throwing starfish in the ocean. We do not have the capacity to scoop up the whole region and fix every one of its problems. We do make a difference in the lives of the children receiving care at grant-funded clinics and after-school mentoring programs. We do make a difference in the lives of 65,000 people who were not hungry because we funded their food assistance. We do make a difference in the lives of aging citizens who receive free care at the neighborhood nursing clinic, and in the lives of grandparents who receive support and respite while raising their grandchildren.
Giving to Foundation for Health Equity™ keeps your charitable dollars in your community, where you can see the results of improved health and social welfare activities. The Foundation can help you create effective, efficient, giving vehicles to make your charitable interests a reality, with tax advantages to you and your family. Through the Foundation’s study of the needs of the community and its organizations, your gifts can be directed to specific causes and not to administrative expenses. 100% of annual giving goes to grant making.